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Climate Change is one of the most daunting problems that we face today. Every single one of us is responsible, and every single one of us can do our bit to help better the situation. In early March, the Climate Coaching Alliance held a 24 hour global Zoomathon to discuss how coaches can help.
The Climate Coaching Alliance was started in 2019 to bring together coaches, coaching psychologists, and coaching supervisors, facilitators and other leading professionals in order to co-create a space to share resources, explore the practice, and hold dialogue on preserving our climate.
About the Webinar
How do we make the difference our earth is calling for? – Mindset shifts for coaches
Coronavirus has given us a very different view of the depth of interconnectivity across all elements of our society and the natural world. There have been truly transformational responses to the pandemic that are allowing us insights into what we might hope will emerge when this pandemic subsides. How do we take this opportunity to transfer the learning to the unfolding crisis that climate change presents? In this webinar, we explored how the more-than-human world of our shared ecology can be a conscious part of every coaching conversation.
How do we:
- Recognize the interdependencies?
- Raise climate impacts with clients who might not be aware or might not want to go there?
- Operate in this space respectfully and ethically that augments and illuminates the coaching client agenda?
- Make this deeply systemic work, where we as coaches step into a space of leadership, financially viable?
Listen to the podcast: https://podcast.coacharya.com/episodes/coaching-and-climate-change
About the Speakers
Peter Hawkins: Professor of Leadership Henley Business School, Chairman Renewal Associates, global thought leader and author in Systemic Coaching and Systemic Team Coaching.
Jaya Bhateja: Founder and Coach at Abhyudaya Consulting Services, ICF Board of Directors, MCC, Mentor Coach, Coach Supervisor, Coaching Culture Consultant passionate to deliver value through coaching to Leaders and Coaches.
Rashmi Shetty: Founder Director of The Third Eye, Attitudinal coach who believes “Your Attitude decides your Altitude”
Dr. Alison Whybrow: Co-Founder of Climate Coaching Alliance. An Experienced facilitator, coaching psychologist, supervisor and author, I aspire to live wisely, provoking, and enabling people and groups to step up and stand out in service of their higher purpose and leadership role.