Coaching to Transform Societal Beliefs

Mar 11, 2022

Coaches have a powerful role to play in reframing societal beliefs which no longer serve our sustainability. Join us this Wednesday in the Future of Coaching series for a no-holds-barred dialogue between Ram and Joel Monk.

Joel is a leadership coach, educator, facilitator, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Coaches Rising, a company on the cutting edge of online coach training with a community of nearly 50,000 coaches.

They explore the potential that coaches and coaching have in transforming limiting societal beliefs through active intervention in education, corporate leadership culture, and social structures.

Learn about

  • Coaching and Social activism
  • Reinventing and restructuring coaching
  • Democratizing coaching
  • Importance of coaching in the education sector
  • Our purpose as coaches

Webinar: Coaching to Transform Societal Beliefs

Like to listen instead? We have a podcast!

This session is also available as audio-only on our podcast. Listen below or find Coach to Lead wherever you listen to podcasts.

Denz Jacob
Denz Jacob


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