Conscious Living with Dr. Pat Williams, MCC

Jun 18, 2020

Curiosity is the secret sauce in great coaching and great living. Through this webinar, Dr.Patrick Williams, MCC demonstrated and offered clear ways to incorporate appropriate self-disclosure in coaching.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How to request client self-disclosure in a safe and inviting manner.
  • Methods and techniques to get the client to experience de-energizing difficult emotions such as fear, sadness, or anger.
  • To use metaphor or guided imagery in the coaching conversation to elicit deeper awareness.
  • 6 step process for dealing with a difficult emotionally charged life event.

About the facilitator:

As a coach for 4 decades Pat is a founding member of the ICF and is an inaugural member of its Circle of Distinction, a Master Certified Coach, a Board-Certified Coach, and a member of Forbes Coaching Council. He was a founding member of Harvard University’s Institute of Coaching.

He has taught graduate students at several notable institutions and served as a curriculum consultant for the Coaching Certificate program at Fielding International University, and was named Educator of the Year by the New England Educational Institute (2008).

In 2018, he was honored to be in the inaugural Circle of Distinction for the International Coach Federation.

Dr. Williams is also Past President of ACTO (Association of Coach Training Organizations), ICF board member and Honorary VP of the International Society for Coaching Psychology.

Dr. Pat currently provides coaching to Navy Seals, Prisoners, and formerly incarcerated and teaches and mentors at several coach training entities.

Ram shares his takeaways from the webinar:

“It was an awesome session with Pat. I started noting down pearls of wisdom. There were so many that I couldn’t keep up. Some jewels,
  • Emotions are E-Motions, Energy in Motion. How true. This is the foundation of chakras, our energy centers in Vedic psychology. They are the emotional centers as well.
  • Balance is Being in Motion. I know I am not quoting Pat verbatim. This is what the Whirling Dervish meditation is all about. One is in motion, and yet, so beautifully balanced, completely aware and in focus. It is stillness in motion.
The audience loved it. They didn’t want the session to end. One commented after the ‘balance’ definition, ‘now I know why I am so calm and clear when I wash dishes’. So do I, in fact.
Getting Naked was about learning to be human, in compassionate curiosity as Pat phrased it, exploring just enough and not too deep in partnering the client into Awareness Intelligence. “

Watch the full webinar here:

Slides used during the presentation:


Nishmita D'Souza
Nishmita D'Souza


Nishmita D'Souza is Marketing Coordinator at Coacharya. She is a firm believer that the key to development is education and awareness. She is also an illustrator by hobby. Follow her on Instagram using the handle:

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