Buddha did say that life is full of sorrow and implied that it was painful. He didn’t say it was necessarily good for you. His solution was to disengage from wants and greed. That solution works.
Connie Ray Andreas’ process of Core Transformation is considered by many as part of NLP. It functions on the belief that life is full of conflicts and to overcome conflicts, we need to reach our core and become whole. Part of the process is an inquiry of in what way the conflict, trauma or pain benefits us. As one who has worked through this process, I can confirm that it works and allows us to realize that our mind puts up defenses in our interest and we need to look behind, beyond and into these defenses that we perceive as barriers to getting to the root benefit our body, mind, and energy seek.
For complete details of the process, please read the book or attend the program. Let me provide an outline to help you understand how the process works.
The coach needs to understand where the client is stuck. It can be emotional blocks, bad habits, relationships, life-work situations, invalidation of self, etc. The coach also needs to understand why the client needs to shift their limiting beliefs and how the client would evidence becoming unstuck. Typically, the client may need to journal these for the discussion.
The steps here are:
- Center. Step into the stuckness. What do you experience as sensations in the body, emotions, and thoughts? When, with whom, and how? In which body part does it arise? How would you label it?
- Focus on this body part and inquire. “I thank you. I am sure you have a positive intent to benefit me. What is that benefit for you and me? Thank the part when you sense the answer.
- Now that I know, what is more important than this benefit? Where does it lie? Thank you for responding
Keep repeating this inquiry. You will reach a core state of ‘being’ such as peace, calm, kindness, compassion, or fulfillment. That is the destination, there is no more journey. It is absolute, not relative, not contingent upon you or others. You will relax and evidence what you contracted for.
Now go back in reverse order and ask each of the parts you visited before in sequence, ‘Now that you have the answer, what does it take for you and me to reframe and shift to transform and fulfill?’
If you are comfortable, integrate the learning from all the parts and allow the learning to be experienced holistically using mindless meditation to expand.
The core transformation process can be integrated with both Perceptual Positions, Time Line and Ho’opnopono processes, using mindless meditation as the foundation.
What I have presented here is a simple outline to understand the process. This is not a do-it-yourself explanation. All the processes above are experiential in nature and need a guide to mentor and supervise.