Live Coaching Demonstration of Ubuntu Coaching with Nobantu Mpotulo

Jun 26, 2020

As a coach, experiencing other professional coaches working with clients is a rare opportunity. We are honoured and grateful to both Nobantu and her client for their generous sharing spirit. This webinar included:

  • A short presentation on Ubuntu Coaching linking Ubuntu Coaching to ICF Core Competencies
  • Demonstration of Ubuntu Coaching
  • Q & A

About the facilitator:

Nobantu Mpotulo is a globally sought after coach, facilitator of leadership development programmes, Organisational Development Specialist, and a public speaker for more than 18 years. She has developed Ubuntu Coaching, an approach to coaching that focuses on integrating heart, head, and body (hands). She is amongst the 6% of coaches globally that are certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) at Master Coach Level (MCC). She is amongst 11 Augural International Ethical Coaches under the auspices of Ethical Coach.

Through probing questions and sharing just in time observations, she takes clients deep and helps them to identify their blind spots and embrace their shadows. Clients go deeper into the subconscious and unconscious levels and dance with what emerges. She provides a safe and open space for emergence to happen. Her philosophy is See More (# SAWUBONA), Hear More, Love More, Be More and I am Because We Are. Her work is grounded in 7Cs (Compassion, Co-creation, Connectedness, Caring, Curiosity, Courage, and Commitment to Action).

She has coached and developed leaders at the C-Suit nationally and globally in donor organizations, NPOs, private sector public sector. She teaches coaching and facilitates Corporate Education Programmes with Business Schools. She facilitates change management and organizational development and clients are assured of visible and tangible changes.

Watch the full webinar here

Nishmita D'Souza
Nishmita D'Souza


Nishmita D'Souza is Marketing Coordinator at Coacharya. She is a firm believer that the key to development is education and awareness. She is also an illustrator by hobby. Follow her on Instagram using the handle:

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