My Coaching Foundation Journey – Week 2

Aug 22, 2021

The following is the second instalment in a weekly series of reflections from one of our learners in the Coaching Foundation program. Each week, Silvester will recap his personal experience to give insight into what it’s like to become a life coach. If you’re ready to start your journey in coaching, please get in touch. We’re here to help.

This week we were asked to reflect on ICF and EMCC’s definition of diversity and inclusion, how it affects us in general life and coaching space. What they meant to us without these definitions and how we would like them to show up? Just think about it for a moment: as human beings, we always interact with people from different ethnicities, cultures, races, religions, ages, genders, and sexes. If we practised inclusion, how beautiful could this world be?

We were also asked to watch Gloria Films – Three approaches to psychotherapy. I was particularly fond of Carl Rogers’ approach. Without  fancy tools or powerful questions, he was able to create that awareness just by being present for the client, Gloria. This was in turn reflected through a visible shift in Gloria’s body language, tone of talking, and awareness that peaked within her by the end of the session. I was amazed how what seemed like a simple conversation could be life-changing for someone.

Key Learnings This Week:

Conditional Positive Regard

Coaching is a lot about trust and unconditional positive regard. But is it possible to always bring unconditional positive regard into practice? The answer unfortunately is no. When we enter into a coaching agreement, we bring in conditions into our practice. So, in reality, it’s conditional positive regard. This was an important lesson I learned this week.


Another important thing I learned: the importance of empathy. This learning was brought in through a series of questions and interactions. Everyone in the cohort shared their thoughts and views on whether empathy can be learned or is an innate skill. I have never given much thought to empathy and have always thought it’s a skill you develop over years. Maybe I am wrong, what do you think?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need

Most of us have learned or at least heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs at some point in our life. I for one always thought you only move upward in the hierarchy. Today, was the first time I realised the movement can go both ways. As people, we are constantly evolving and with that, a new need might arise which makes us move up and down in the pyramid. In the coaching context, this is highly important since it helps to understand the blocks that arise from an unfulfilled need.


SET (Sensation, Emotion and Thoughts) and the LASI (Listen, Acknowledge, Share & Sense, and Inquire) framework. These two tools/frameworks form the foundation of coaching. Smita and Tracy made this evident by doing a coaching demo for us. We also got to practice coaching with other members of the cohort. This was a beautiful experience that reforged my love for coaching and reminded me about why I took up this journey.

We have a few assignments and a presentation lined up for the coming week. I am a bit excited but a lot less nervous about the coming week.

Wish me luck and speak soon!

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Denz Jacob
Denz Jacob


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