Systemic Team Coaching – Applications to Executive Leadership

Feb 26, 2019


Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching has become an increasing trend in the world of executive coaching. Why? Because it maximizes organizational performance while celebrating an individual’s uniqueness. Here’s a short explanation on what systemic executive leadership team coaching is and its importance.

Traditionally, executive coaching addresses the whole of a client. So, when various members are being coached within a corporate organization, they are all being coached as individuals who happen to be a part of the same organization. Each executive leader is being coached to reach their own personal goals.

While this approach has proved to catalyze the performance growth of individual executives, each of these individuals is part of a bigger whole – the organization. So, to bring about a synergistic growth, a systemic team coaching approach would be far more promising. This is because it ensures the alignment of individual goals to organizational goals. 

Systemic Coaching helps individuals and leadership teams see how working towards small personal goals contributes towards larger organizational goals and vice-versa. This fosters a sense of belonging and clarity in direction.

In summary, Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching is coaching individual executives and leadership teams comprising of such individuals in alignment with the corporate organizational goals.

A Comparison Between Traditional Coaching & Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching

  • Traditional Coaching helps individuals make behavioral shifts to achieve personal goals. Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching helps individuals and teams align personal goals with organizational goals.   
  • Traditional Coaching addresses each member as an individual. Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching addresses each individual as a unique part of a whole.
  • Traditional Coaching concerns itself with individuals and their response to the ecosystem they exist in. Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching concerns itself with maximizing the contribution to all stakeholders of the organization.

The Benefits of Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching

  •   Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching addresses the needs at all 3 levels – individuals, teams and the organization. It is coaching on a microscopic and  macroscopic level.
  •   System Executive Leadership Team Coaching helps increase organisation performance in a cost and time efficient way.
  •  Systemic Executive Leadership Team Coaching helps address the issues of the VUCA world in real time.

In essence, systemic executive leadership team coaching is a far more promising approach to coaching organisations. It is the present need.

Webinar with Peter Hawkins on Systemic Leadership Team Coaching

Nishmita D'Souza
Nishmita D'Souza


Nishmita D'Souza is Marketing Coordinator at Coacharya. She is a firm believer that the key to development is education and awareness. She is also an illustrator by hobby. Follow her on Instagram using the handle:

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