Book a TownHall with Us
Coacharya organizes TownHalls with corporates based on the specific needs of the corporate and for them to develop a further understanding of Coaching and its impact. This space would be facilitated by Coacharya Co-Founder, Ram S. Ramanathan.
Some of the key takeaways of the TownHall include:
- What does Coaching mean? – Is it just an intervention for a few selected leaders or can it be a way for all managers to channel the power of coaching to unveil their best?
- In what situations can Coaching be most effective?
- What kind of impact can a Coaching Mindset of individuals success
- Additionally, to improve the relevance of these messages, we will align the talk to cover some of your organization’s key goals/priorities/challenges.
Duration: 60-90 minute interactive Zoom call (or any alternative platform). It would be at a mutually convenient time when the maximum number of your employees can take advantage of this interaction.
Number of participants: In our experience, about 50 members is good. However, if you wish for a larger audience to participate, we are open to this discussion.