Coach Training in Hong Kong
ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) in Hong Kong
Coacharya is a global leadership development firm dedicated to the enhancement of human potential through a transformational coaching process. Coacharya combines western psychological and neurobiological models with eastern philosophy for a well-rounded participant experience, focusing on ethical leadership.
Our ICF-accredited ACTP program in Hong Kong helps coaches achieve their highest potential. Coaches we’ve trained go on to help business leaders develop corporate cultures, build leadership and create sustainable company growth. We’re proud to have trained hundreds of coaches towards ACC, PCC and MCC certification.
If you are based in Hong Kong and looking for a coach training company in Hong Kong, please get in touch with us. You can join any of our virtual English language programs, or ask us about face-to-face coach training in Hong Kong. Stephanie Lam, one of our trainers, speaks English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and is available to schedule in person coach training in Hong Kong as requested. All our programs include mentoring.
ICF (ACC & PCC) 教練認證課程
Coacharya的認證教練課程, 融合了西方方法和東方哲學,涵蓋所有ICF專業教練所應具備之核心技能,以及不同類型教練模式和方法。 為您 – 能成為專業教練做好準備。 大中華區的教練培訓導師均為大師級教練 (MCC),以確保培訓質數。
Coacharya是全球唯一一家獲得全球三大國際教練機構認證的教練培訓機構–ICF,CCE和EMCC。 這意味著,如果您完成我們的PCC課程,您能夠直接申請歐洲 EMCC Senior Practitioner和美國Board Certified Coach認證教練證書, 而無需任何額外培訓。 ACC – 60小時的培訓, 費用包括指導 (Mentor Coaching) PCC – 125小時的培訓包括輔導評估 我們提供各種級別的高管教練培訓以及持續的教練培訓,以支援您的教練旅程中的每一步。 此外, Coacharya還為校友們提供免費的線上課程,這些課程可用於ICF認證更新。 詳情, 請在此處查看我們的網站:
Contact Us About Coach Training
Thinking about joining a coach training program? Please get in touch. We’re here to help.
Choose a coach training program that suits your schedule and learning style.
Prepare for ACC, PCC or MCC. Bridge programs available as well.
Develop your own coaching style with both Western and Eastern practices.
Contact Us
Are you interested in learning more about our ICF ACTP program in Hong Kong? Keen to get a detailed brochure and list of modules covered? Or perhaps you’re ready to register? Please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
Why Leadership Development Training with Coacharya
There are many reasons why executives in India choose Coacharya for their Accredited Coach Training Program in Hong Kong. A few of the most cited ones are below. Please contact us with any questions or download our program brochure.
- Coacharya is globally accredited by ICF, CCE and EMCC, supporting multiple accreditation routes
- We provide ACC, PCC and MCC level training as well as Continued Coach Education
- We use an integrated approach, which includes: Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Emotional Intelligence, Transactional Analysis, Multiple Intelligences, Positive Psychology, Jungian Archetypes, and Yogic meditation
- Our courses provide a blend of psychology, management science and spirituality to create awareness for leadership
- Coacharya’s ACTP in Hong Kong incorporates neurological, ontological, somatic and energy-based techniques in the classroom
- We focus on mastery level competencies from the start
- MCC-certified coaches provide mentoring (compared to PCC coaches as other coaching institutes)
- Focus on leadership competencies through coaching methodologies and on self-discovery
- ‘Mindless’ philosophy derived from the ‘Fourth State’ of mindless awareness
- GROW Model aligned with coaching competencies
- FREE continuing professional development programs for credential renewal
- Support on post credential assignment
- Installment payment plans suited to your needs