Chakras Demystified: Actualize the Potential of Your Inner Energy
By Ram S. Ramanathan
Chakra theory followed the Vedic concept that living beings are energy, not merely mind-body matter. It took science 5000 years to accept this through Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, followed by David Bohm and others. As energy beings we are waves, as mind-body matter we are particles, and in general, we can be either, as quanta. As with subatomic particles, our existence too is uncertain; we too are entangled locally and remotely.
As energy beings, we can transcend time and space. We have the potentiality of the Universe though we may be limited by our beliefs in our actuality. An understanding of the chakra concept and practice of its principles allows us to free ourselves from the limitations of mind-body matter and realize the freedom of energy waves, which we are.
Misquoting Karl Marx, ‘unite mind, body, and energy, you have nothing to lose but your delusion’. In the energy state, you are a true coach.
This 70+ page ebook includes:
- Explanations of chakras
- Meditations specific to each chakra
- Guide to energy states
- Relationships between energy, science and self
- Relevance of this content to coaching
Message from Ram: Our learners are my teachers. They ask me questions in webinars we host. My answers are always based on my experiences and learnings, none based on theoretical knowledge. Generally, my responses seem to satisfy them. Some questions and my responses, however, do not satisfy me and linger long after. As I ponder, multiple dimensions open up. This book is about those insights inspired by your questions. I dedicate this e-book to our learners.
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