Systemic Coaching: What is it?
What is systemic coaching?
Systemic coaching is the most effective approach to aligning individuals – through the teams they work in – to the organization they work for.
Systemic Coaching has its roots in principles of Organisational Development, where the individual self is viewed in relationship to others around that individual, and in relation to the larger organizational or institutional ecosystem the individual and others belong to.
In a systemic approach, ideally, both the individual and the group the individual belongs to should be coached, so that both are in alignment, and also in alignment with the ecosystem.
Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Kurt Lewin, Edgar Schein, Peter Senge, Peter Hawkins and now Otto Scharmer build in the systemic view in the approaches they advocate.

Systemic Coaching
What challenges does your company face? Get in touch to see if a systemic coaching approach could help.
Webinars on Systemic Coaching
At Coacharya, we believe that systemic coaching will replace the traditional model of individual coaching, due to its cost-effectiveness and evidence of increased team and individual performance.
In the webinar series linked below, Ram speaks with experts in this field to explore the various aspects of systemic coaching. You may also enjoy an invogotrating session with Peter Hawkins, who we hosted for a webinar recently.
Articles on Systemic Coaching
Learner Testimonials
‘Systemic Team Coaching’ and ‘Coaching the Connections’ are the two phrases that buzz in my head frequently. The cohort, content, and learnings were all amazing. I have been fortunate to use some of these learnings with my clients and have seen tremendous shifts. The two most important factors that make this program ever special are Ramesh & Shabari, especially the coordination and contribution from both in every aspect of the program. They take coaching presence to the next level and make the coaching journey inclusive and expansive. Looking forward to learning more and making a ‘systemic’ way of life.
— Prakash Rao
How was your experience as a learner?
The learning support was fantastic and involved an end-to-end approach from both Shabari and Ramesh. This included setting up time to outline the course objectives and my learner goals and objectives—in other words, what I wanted to get from the course. The course concluded with exactly the same 1:1 check-in and review of my learning and action plan. Throughout the program, both trainers flexed and worked with the learning cohorts, and the needs that were presented… the materials and content were super and the class debates were invaluable.
What did you enjoy most in the program?
I enjoyed the interactive discussions most and collaborating with the learning cohort to deliver presentations on the subjects taught in class. The materials were all new to me and this I loved. For both trainers, they were simply so professional, cooperative, engaging, and insightful!
How have you applied and translated your learning insights into action?
I have reframed my approach in how I lead my current team and have also been able to bring my learnings to other teams within my current role. I have been able to make shifts in how I coach and have already seen results. I thank Shabari & Ramesh (and also Coachayra – Ram & Magda) for this!
— Tony Woods, Learning Business Partner/Coach/Leader @ PayPal
Thank you, dear Shabari and Ramesh, for the systemic eye-opener that this training was for me. As a learner, I appreciated enormously the new tips, models, and many practical examples that I got. The dilemma exercise, the 3-horizons-approach, or even the empty chair exercise are still fresh in my memory and have impacted my way of thinking. This training was a great continuation of the coaching foundation training that I had completed before.
Although I experienced the training material as intense and fast-paced, the peace and the space that the trainers managed to hold for us as a group during the sessions was amazing; I also liked the fact that different experts were involved in our training and real case studies or videos were included in our curriculum.
After this training, I had the courage to successfully facilitate a few workshops in our organisation and to lead my own team with a different systemic coaching mindset. But most importantly, you reminded me that I always have choices and make an impact in our big & great systemic world.
— Gabriela Oude Vrielink