Challenging the Status Quo: The Coaching Way!

Sep 6, 2022

As we have told many times before and still keep saying in the future, coaching plays a vital role in every decision we make. As Christelle rightfully mentioned, with coaching one can include their dream into their professional career. This helps create a more balanced and happy work and life environment.

In this webinar, they talk about how shifts brought through coaching changed their professions completely and helped them challenge their status quo in the process. This further evolved into them identifying their niche, enabling them to support their clients’ unique needs.

Learn about:

  • How coaching brought shifts and changes in their daily lives
  • Looking back through the coach’s lens and seeing opportunities to change
  • Resistance to change
  • Finding the real you

Webinar: Challenging the Status Quo: The Coaching Way!

Like to listen instead? We have a podcast!

This session is also available as audio-only on our podcast. Listen below or find Coach to Lead wherever you listen to podcasts.

Denz Jacob
Denz Jacob


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