Coaching in Organizations

Nov 19, 2021

“A coaching culture is one where the principles, beliefs, and mindsets driving people’s behaviours in the workplace are deeply rooted in the discipline of coaching. It is a culture where people coach each other all the time as a natural part of meetings, reviews and one-to-one discussions of all kinds.” – Clutterbuck et al., 2016.

A coaching culture leads to creating a team spirit that helps achieve a shared goal. However, most of the times coaching is viewed as a remedial measure, a way to fix something instead of a tool to actually improve something.

Learn about

  • the coaching culture and the ecosystem it creates in the organisation.
  • Leaders v/s coach and the benefits of leadership with a coaching approach
  • how to introduce coaching in an organisation
  • how coaching helps build team spirit
  • Measures of trust and how a leader can inspire trust

Webinar: Coaching in Organizations


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Denz Jacob
Denz Jacob


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