Ever wondered how you should set goals in different areas of life? What are the elements that contribute to making a SMART goal? In the webinar this week, Cindy is joined by Venkat, and Vinita to discuss the various types of goals that include corporate goals, business goals, life goals, etc. while linking them to certain core competencies that would help the client’s growth.
Other topics discussed in the webinar included-
- How to set goals – broad long term and session goals (workplace goals, business goals, life goals)
- How to manage progress on the goals – ongoing sessions and within the session.
- Resources/books/etc. that will help coaches get better and improve their goal setting and with a systemic approach to facilitating client growth with ongoing session goals and in the session
- Learnings/progress /designing accountability/support/acknowledging client progress
- Competency 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements and Competency 8: Facilitates Client Growth