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“The hero journey is inside of you;
tear off the veils and open the mystery of your self”
-Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell describes the Hero’s Journey in the metaphor of ancient myths, which are also modern urban legends. We are asleep and unaware, though awake and alive, not hearing the call to find our purpose and move on.
When this Initiation occurs as we listen to the call and break free, we journey through adventures full of peril yet guided by an energy mentor. We reach where the journey takes us. That is only part of the journey. After the ascent to the Holy Grail, we need to return to where we came from serving others with what served us. This Hero’s Journey is an endless virtuous spiral that transcends our present life.
Learn about
- What is the hero’s journey
- The role the mentors play in the journey
- How everyone has their own journey
- Overlap of 3 stages of Hero’s journey with Coacharya’s 3A model
- Advice to someone starting their journey
Resource Shared: Ho’oponopono Meditation
Webinar: The Hero’s Journey
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This session is also available as audio-only on our podcast. Listen below or find Coach to Lead wherever you listen to podcasts.