Systemic Leadership Alliance
Join us to build a framework for making an impact globally and locally.
We are in troubled times, globally and locally. For coaches, these are times of opportunity to show up and take responsibility. Rather than face the question “What did you do when humanity suffered?” by future generations, we should all be able to respond with specific actions we took.
We at Coacharya believe that to stand up and be counted we need to move beyond personal issues to much larger systemic needs, which in turn will fulfill personal needs as well as collective institutional needs. To meet this need of the hour, we are launching the Systemic Leadership Alliance.
To make a real change, we need your support.
We are seeking individuals in leadership positions as well as institutions, companies, and NGOs to co-create this initiative. We invite all of you in our community to join us to learn, grow and practice the systemic approach in all that you do.
Awake Aware Arise
Virtual conference Sept. 21 – Oct. 22