Based on a limited understanding of true awareness of body, mind and energy, many use the term mindfulness to describe awareness. In turn, people misconstrue this concept as the Here & Now experience of placing a raisin in the mouth, then tasting, feeling, and perhaps hearing, smelling, and seeing it as well!
True awareness lies in mindlessness, not mindfulness.
Mindfulness signifies the attitude of the pompous professor who went to meet the Zen master to learn, and lectured the master instead. The Zen master poured him tea in a cup as he politely listened. ‘Stop’ cried the Professor, ‘can’t you see the cup is full and overflowing?’. Said the Zen master, ‘So is your mind!’
The new age mindful approach benefits practitioners, without imparting awareness to their clients. The mindless concept was birthed and evolved from the teachings of the Hindu Upanishads and Buddha, as the concept of sunya or emptiness or mindlessness. The contrived new age version of mindfulness would utterly confound a Zen master or true Yogi.
Mindlessness transcends time and space. Those who experienced the 10-day silent mindful process of Vipassana will surely understand this. Far beyond experiencing a raisin in one’s mouth, one will experience their inner self.
Through mindlessness, one can create one’s future. In mindlessness, one can transform one’s underlying beliefs.
Coacharya takes the practitioner through the 4 stages of mindlessness as described in the Mandukya Upanishad, a 5000 year-old Hindu scripture. Coacharya simplifies the process making it practical for the executive and professional to discover oneself.
This program targets the accomplished senior executive, who has tried everything that management and new age gurus have to offer, and is yet seeking self-fulfillment Coacharya’s mindlessness program comes with a caveat, It may change your life!

Business Coaching
We coach individuals, groups and teams at companies of all sizes. How can we help you?
The Mindless Coach
True awareness happens in a mindless state. The author walks the path of the mindless coach, a new paradigm.
More Articles on Mindlessness
Mindlessness is a topic we visit frequently. Take a look at some blog posts that address mindlessness.
Applying Mindlessness in Executive Coaching
Do organizations address symptoms or causes?
- All business success, within the organization and outside, whether for or not-for-profit, relates to relationships and communication. Relationships build on trust. Trust begins within.
- What appears to be sub-par performance, poor team behavior, or high turnover, originates in a lack of trust that executives have in themselves.
- This lack of self-trust manifests as lack of trust in others.
- Underlying and unconscious beliefs, such as insecurity and competing needs, are expressed as symptoms of poor leadership and management.
- Most corporate processes identify the symptoms not the real causes that underlie them.
How can corporations solve this issue?
- Trust building within and in others requires self- awareness.
- Trust issues stem from past experiences that embed strong emotional memories within the unconscious mind. Logical left-brain analysis is incapable of resolving these memories.
- Negative emotional memories can be re-experienced and relieved through holistic right brain techniques.
- Upon reliving and relieving negative emotion laden memories, result oriented thoughts can be inputted leading to positive behavior.
- This iterative process transforms the mindset of the individual.
- This time tested mindless process has validation both in Western psychology and Eastern spirituality.
How does this process work?
- The mindless process creates self-awareness. It also enhances the individual’s emotional quotient (“EQ”).
- The process combines ontological questioning and meditative contemplation, structured in a solution-based framework.
- The individual carries out these exercises with sole support from the coach.
- The client owns the solution that emerges and it empowers them.
How can this process become most effective?
- The mindless transformational coaching model can be used in groups as well as individuals.
- It becomes very effective when corporations use this with a formal team of multi-functional executives engaged in a common objective.
- A clearly defined and measurable goal can then be set as an outcome of the coaching process.
How do we define the outcome?
The mindless transformational coaching process produces a measurable improvement in the behavioral attributes of the individual, as well as in the performance of the team as a whole towards the common objective. These can be measured as explained earlier through assessments before and after the process.
Work with Coacharya
Please contact us if you’re looking for an executive coach for yourself or for your team. We would be happy to show you how mindlessness can benefit your work and life.