The Hero’s Journey: Awakening the Inner Nurturer

Jul 21, 2023

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.
– Tom Peters

Have you ever wondered what it takes to awaken your inner nurturer and create a ripple of positive change in the world?

Answering these questions, we had the absolute honor of listening to the very accomplished, Mrs. Madhuri Menon in this week’s Hero’s Journey. Having worked extensively for human-centered development, Mrs. Menon has a rich background in human resources, training, mentoring, and coaching. She has also actively worked in the not-for-profit sector for over a decade. Along with starting her own NGO, she is also on the Board of Trustees of various NGOs that work in the areas of women and children, education, livelihoods and rural development, watershed management, and access to finance in rural India.

With her inspiring aura and uplifting energy, Mrs. Menon talked about the changes she has seen in the industry landscape over the years and her journey of finding her inner strength. As the webinar progressed, Mrs. Menon and Avrril also delved deeper into the rising awareness about mental health challenges. Responding to a question about this cognizance in corporate set-ups, Mrs. Menon said, “There is a paradigm shift from mental illness to mental wellness.”

Webinar Highlights

Here are some of the key themes that were explored during the webinar:

  1.  Industry Landscape and how it has evolved over the years
  2.  Positive changes and rising awareness about mental health
  3.  Role of coaches in mental health
  4.  Her journey of transformation
  5.  Creating awareness about coaching in HR spaces

My Takeaway

Mrs. Menon’s sheer presence was electrifying; one had so much to learn from someone with such depth of knowledge and experience. I encourage you to watch this webinar to learn more about the exceptional work Mrs. Menon has done and to get inspired to find your inner nurturer. In what ways have you nurtured yourself? Tell us in the comments section below or feel free to share your thoughts with us on CoachNook.

Webinar: Awakening the Inner Nurturer – Hero’s Journey

Yamini Kandpal
Yamini Kandpal


Yamini Kandpal works as a Content Specialist at Coacharya. With a background in writing and editing as part of journalism, she has found her own corner in the stories of the coaching world. While away from work, you can find her traveling or scribbling her musings in a notebook.

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